
September 10 (Happy Birthday Candi)

Help Save Forks High School Brick Building!

Twilight Lexicon has informed their fans that the original Forks High School had been condemned and is in danger of being knocked down. So what is it you can do to help? Well let me tell you. Twilighters For Forks, a non-profit organization set up to help benefit the city of Forks, specifically The Forks High School, is hoping all of the wonderful Twilight fans out there will donate a few dollars to help keep the school. If you have a pay pal account with a couple extra dollars in it, please donate. I think we can all agree $2.00 for the wonderful part Forks High has played in our lives is nothing at all. If you would like to write a check, here is the address you can send money to.

Twilighters for Forks P.O. Box 2431 Forks WA 98331

Click here to read more about Forks High School.

Stephenie will appear on the the Ellen DeGeneres show on Wednesday, September 17th. Tickets are not available, so set the TIVO! Maybe all of our letters and petitions for Midnight Sun will pay off!

Twilight cast at the VMA's. Check it out!